I’m delighted to welcome back to the blog, Katey Lovell. Katey was last here in November when the first two short stories in her ‘Meet Cute’ series were published (you can see the post here). Since then another two short stories have been made available (The Boy at the Bakery and The Boy Under the Mistletoe) and and yesterday a further two were published – The Boy with the Boxes and The Boy on the Bus, again with HarperImpulse. All the books in the series are available to download from Amazon for just 49p.
Keeping with the theme of boxes, here’s Katey with a guest post about moving house.
When I first started writing The Meet Cute series back in 2014, a group of encouraging friends helped me come up with the titles. Some of them immediately conjured up images and I knew exactly how the romance would begin, but others were less cut-and-dried. The suggestion of ‘boxes’ didn’t really spark very much within me at all – could the boy be a packer in a factory? Could it be a box at a theatre rather than a cardboard box? Or should I go down what felt to me like the most obvious ‘meet cute moment’- the boxes that accompany a house move?
Compared to some people, my experience of moving is limited. I grew up in one house in South Wales, a stone fronted cottage that I lived in from toddlerdom until leaving for university just before my nineteenth birthday.
Since then I’ve lived in six different places in Sheffield. The first three were during my studies; a square room devoid of character in Halls of Residence, a shared student house with three other girls then an attic flat reminiscent of Del Boy’s abode in Only Fools and Horses which was the first home my now-husband and I rented together. We moved out of there after an infestation of mice (how on earth do they take up residence in an attic?) which put me off for good, moving into a small seventeenth century cottage for the next five years. Although small, that house holds some of my favourite memories – it was the house we lived in when we got married and our son was born in the living room there one dark December morning. We’d probably have stayed there longer, but it wasn’t really suitable for a family, and when I inherited some money it felt like the right time to get a mortgage, and with it a traditional Sheffield terrace in an area we loved. It was much bigger – and inevitably we filled the space with furniture, books and a rather ridiculous amount of toys. By the time we moved out last year, packing was a real challenge. I’d always thought people made a meal of moving, after all, we’d done it a few times and it hadn’t been that stressful. But the amount of boxes we had when we left that house – it was ridiculous! We bought specialist ‘moving sets’, collected cardboard boxes from the supermarket and filled plastic storage crates with our stuff, but we’d obviously accumulated a crazy amount of possessions over the years we’d lived in that house.
Rosie in The Boy with the Boxes seems to have done the same – she’s berating the amount of wine glasses she’s acquired (along with her CD collection) as she meets Irishman Connor as she moves into her new flat. But of course, he’s a gentleman and this is a romance, so that goes some way to alleviating the stress…
Katey Lovell is the author of The Meet Cute series, published by Harper Impulse. The Boy with the Boxes and The Boy on the Bus were both published on April 7th.
The Boy with the Board and The Boy at the BBQ will be available for download on 19 May with The Boy and the Bridesmaid published on 16 June, all are available for preorder.
Congratulations Katey, I’ve bought and downloaded the latest two Meet Cutes and have pre-ordered the others.
Rosie’s starting afresh. Her best friend and former housemate is starting a new life in Australia leaving Rosie to move into a new flat on her own. But when she meets her next door neighbour, Rosie realises she may not be quite so alone after all…
Lucy’s morning bus journey is the highlight of her day – it’s the only time she sees her crush. But how can he take up so many of her thoughts when she doesn’t even know his name?
Author bio:
Katey Lovell is fanatical about words. An avid reader, writer and poet, she once auditioned for Countdown and still tapes the show every night. Getting the conundrum before the contestants is her ultimate thrill.
She loves love and strives to write feel-good romance that’ll make you laugh and cry in equal measure.
Originally from South Wales, Katey now lives in Yorkshire with her husband and their eight year old son.
Find Katey on twitter, @katey5678,
Facebook www.facebook.com/kateylovell
and her author blog www.kateylovell.blogspot.co.uk