Together again after years apart, can they find a new beginning?
The brilliant novel full of laughter, love, tears and hope from the Sunday Times bestselling author Milly Johnson.
Sisters Jolene, Marsha and Annis have convened at their beautiful family home, Fox House, following the death of their mother, the tricky Eleanor Vamplew. Born seven years apart, the women are more strangers than sisters.
Jolene, the eldest, is a successful romantic novelist who writes about beautiful relationships even though her own marriage to the handsome and charming Warren is complicated.
Marsha, the neglected middle child, has put all of her energy into her work, hoping money will plug the gap in her life left by the man who broke her young heart.
Annis is the renegade, who left home aged sixteen and never returned, not even for the death of their beloved father Julian. Until now.
So when the sisters discover that their mother has left everything to Annis in her will, it undermines everything they thought they knew. Can saying their final goodbyes to Eleanor bring them together again?
Together, Again is the story of truths uncovered and lies exposed, of secrets told – and kept. It is a novel about sister helping sister to heal from childhood scars and finding in each other support, forgiveness, courage and love.
Together, Again is Milly Johnson’s 20th novel – a fantastic achievement in itself and this is a truly lovely book to celebrate that milestone. Published by Simon & Schuster on 29 September and available in ebook, audio and hardback with the paperback following on 2 March 2023, I was delighted to have the opportunity to read a copy via Netgalley.
The Vamplews were not a particularly happy family. Eleanor, whose death is at the heart of this story and who occasionally appears with her own voice, was a cold, distant mother – she didn’t seem a particularly pleasant person at all really and certainly didn’t shower her three children with much love or attention. With seven years between each of the sisters, Jolene (…yes that Dolly Parton song – #earworm 🎶), Marsha and Annis, the youngest, they regarded themselves as only children, despite being siblings. It takes their mother’s death to bring them together in one place – the family home, the rather imposing and grand Fox House, and to begin to work through the years of hurt and finally get to know each other whilst sorting out their mother’s affairs.
Add in to the story, a background of lies and a rather sad neighbour with her own secrets and domestic problems and you have a wonderfully touching and poignant read about relationships – both family and marital, run through with Milly’s typical wit and humour. I was pulled into the story from the very first page and that letter…..and although this isn’t in any way a mystery tale, there is a puzzle to the story which when fully revealed adds a shocking truth. I suppose I had an idea as to part of the background, but I hadn’t guessed the full extent.
There were so many characters here that I took to my heart and that certainly includes the three sisters. Romance novelist Jolene gives her characters all the right advice however seems unable to follow this in her own life; whilst Marsha had never recovered from having her heart broken despite building a successful business. However my favourite was Annis. The youngest sister was also the wisest, her hard life having given her a sense of empathy and wisdom that belied her years. There are some wonderful supporting characters too and all play their part in this rather special story, with its shades of light and dark.
I absolutely loved Together, Again and felt quite sad when I had to say goodbye to them all at the end. I’ve never read a book by Milly that I haven’t enjoyed but I think this is one of her best.

Milly Johnson was born, raised and still lives in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. A Sunday Times bestseller, she is one of the Top 10 Female Fiction authors in the UK, and with millions of copies of her books sold across the world, Milly’s star continues to rise. Milly was chosen as one of the authors for The Reading Agency’s Quick Reads 2020 campaign. Together, Again is her twentieth novel. Milly writes from the heart about what and where she knows and highlights the importance of community spirit. Her books champion women, their strength and resilience, and celebrate love, friendship and the possibility of second chances. She is an exceptional writer who puts her heart and soul into every book she writes and every character she creates.
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